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Project Management

The proportion of project work in companies is continuously increasing. Whether in the function of project manager or project assistant – structured project management requires qualified and well-trained employees. A particular challenge is “leading in the matrix” – i. e. without disciplinary responsibility. In addition to clear, appreciative communication, a good deal of persuasiveness and the ability to appropriately deal with conflicts are required. In addition, the ability to take into account the goals and interests of all stakeholders while keeping an eye on the overall project’s goals is an essential part of a project manager’s toolbox.

During the training, methods and tools for professional project management are refreshed and deepened. Participants discuss concrete problems and work out solutions with their peers and the trainer. In addition, participants have room to report their successes and can thus provide colleagues with further practical recommendations by best practice sharing. In addition, recurring questions are systematically discussed addressing individual cases.
Next to learning methods and tools, the participants discuss the importance of communication in projects and as project managers, as well as strategies for resolving conflicts that may arise. They expand their leadership skills by practicing valuable new methods and become aware of their special position as project managers.

Target group

Employees and executives who lead projects

Our offer

  • We develop with you the objectives for the event.
    Together with you, we identify existing strengths and resources as well as the future requirements/situations with regard to project management that your employees should be able to cope with.
  • We develop a training design consisting of elements that build upon each other in a meaningful way, taking into account the previously agreed objectives.
  • We select the most suitable methods from our wide range of services together with you.
  • We support the participants in the preparation of their own projects and accompany them if needed beyond the training.
  • We carry out the event for you and make our best contribution to the success of the event. Step by step we impart well-founded knowledge according to the requirements and challenges of the target group.
  • We evaluate the results with you, discuss follow-up measures to ensure sustainability and agree on the next steps for further development.

Your benefit

  • High practical relevance, direct benefit in the daily work routine
  • Appropriate handling of conflicts in project work
  • Clarity of how to act in challenging management situations