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Separation Management

Even though the global financial and economic crisis of 2009 was many years ago and most companies are doing better economically, it is still well in our minds. Many companies had to cut jobs massively during this time – a task for which most companies were not prepared.

Even today, the topic of „Separation Management“ is still not an integral part of solid personnel and organizational development. Companies still do not have a culture of separation. Separating from employees is usually associated with massive costs for both sides – employees and employers. Legal disputes, uncertainties, fears about the future and a poor employer image often remain after a separation process. Comprehensive compensation offers are put together, which nevertheless leave the former employee dissatisfied and insecure.

For most people who lose their jobs first and importantly want to know, what support they receive in their search of a comparable future job. Additionally and equally important to employees in the separation process are the so-called „soft facts“ and whether communication is clear, appreciative and honest. If people perceive the separation process in such a way that both parties seek a win-win solution, both sides can separate better from each other without incurring massive costs.

Managers and other people involved in the process are rarely prepared for these difficult situations. They harden, justify the separation with „the management is to blame“ or pronounce the termination in an inapproriate setting and without the support of HR – to name only a few common mistakes. Prepare your company and executives for separation situations and incorporate separation management into your personnel development strategy. We are happy to support you and your managers in professionalizing your separation management and preparing you for the separation process.

Target group

  • Companies that want to professionalize and systematize their handling of employees layoffs
  • Managers and employees in the area of HR
  • Managers who conduct redundancy interviews

Our offer

  • We clarify with you where your company stands with regard to professional and systematic separation management. This happens, for example, in a workshop or in interviews. These include, for example, the following questions: Is there currently a clear procedure for the separation of employees? How are managers and HR in the company currently being prepared for separation conversations? How well does the current approach take challenges such as „employer image“, „recruiting“ and „motivation of remaining employees“ into account?
  • We present and reflect the results and identify with you how you can design your separation management and thus minimize the damage caused by employee
  • We advise contact persons in the area of HR and prepare them for their role as consultants and supporters in the process.
  • We prepare your managers for how they can prepare, conduct and follow up separation conversation.
  • We prepare people involved in the separation process to deal with the emotions and uncertainties of employees who have been laid off.

Your benefit

  • Proven methods, tools and guidelines that effectively support a separation conversation
  • Lower costs in the separation process through a better understanding of dismissed and remaining employees
  • A highly respected employes image, despite staff reductions