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In contrast to classic in-house training or an open training course, coaching often offers even greater individual benefit: be it as deepening and anchoring after an event or series of events or as a deliberately chosen individual measure in the personal development process. It happens increasingly often that coaching seems more promising from the beginning on than working in a group. Read here what on you should know about our coaching sessions.

What is coaching?

In our view, coaching is a one-on-one consultation for entrepreneurs and executives with the goal of solving perception blockages and setting self-organization processes in motion with the help of suitable interventions by the coach. This enables the coachee to use his or her skills and resources more efficiently in solving problems and accomplishing tasks.

That means: Coaching is first and foremost helping people to help themselves. The coach’s attention is directed towards opening up new ways for the coachee to better solve his problems himself in the future.

The coach tries to find out together with the coachee what prevents him/her from behaving as competently in certain situations as in others. Again and again he mirrors his perceptions and observations back to the coachee through feedback, thus helping him to gradually recognize and integrate his “blind spots”. Our goal is to strengthen the coachee’s strengths.

How does coaching work?

The actual coaching sessions are preceded by an introductory conversation. Coach and coachee clarify, among other things, in which areas of the coachee’s development needs, whether and how a coaching process is promising and whether the interpersonal conditions for coaching are given (trust and positive attitude). If this is the case, we provide the coachee with a detailed coaching offer.

The coaching process is planned together in the first actual coaching session. In the following sessions, coach and coachee will work on the selected topics using different methods. In the last scheduled session, the results of the coaching process to date will be jointly evaluated and reflected upon. The coachee then decides whether he or she wants to continue the coaching process or whether he or she is satisfied with what has been achieved so far.

What areas does coaching cover?

In the course of the coaching process, different aspects of the coachee’s private and professional life can be discussed and worked on depending on the goals and needs of the coachee.

The following topics play an important role in most cases:

  • analysis of personal goals
  • own leadership role and leadership behavior
  • target- and time management
  • self-organization and self-management
  • role behavior and role conflicts
  • effect on others and consequences thereof
  • personal communication, rhetoric
  • analysis of strengths and weaknesses

Which methods are used?

Depending on the goal, need, situation, willingness of the coachee and general conditions we work with

  • methods and models from our leadership development programs,
  • methods of systemic consulting,
  • methods from the organizational and system constellation,
  • methods of transaction analysis,
  • methods of Gestalt counseling
  • and other methods of humanistic psychology

In addition, concrete practical situations are simulated. Tasks are processed between sessions according to previously defined objectives. This is where personal experiences are made that further support the coachee in his or her development process.

Feel free to contact us to arrange a coaching.