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Team Development

In recent years, the terms “team” and “teamwork” have been used for all kinds of working groups. But not all groups are per se a team. A successful team uses the synergies of the group, it knows how to deal with difficult situations, the team members are able to deal with personal differences and implement their different strengths appropriately. This means that the total output is greater than the sum of the individual outputs.

However, a group of people usually does not become a team by itself, and existing teams can be “disturbed” by external influences. Team development can be the right measure to take, whether it’s dealing with development tasks, supporting steering processes or conflict management in a team. We support and encourage teams to develop and deal with disruptive factors.

Target group

Teams in companies and organizations

Our offer

  • We help your teams define their underlying self-concept, clarify the initial situation and define the objectives for the event or the series of events.
  • We help your teams identify existing strengths and resources, determine the team’s position as well as the future requirements/situations that they should be able to cope with as a basis for the team development.
  • We develop a workshop design consisting of elements that build upon each other in a meaningful way and take overall goals into account.
  • We select the most suitable methods from our wide range of services together with you. Often, outdoor modules are well suited for learning in an unusual setting.
  • We carry out the event for you. Depending on the requirements, we act as moderators, method specialists, process supervisors, conflict clarifiers, time managers and make our best contribution to the overall success of the workshop.
  • We will evaluate the workshop results with you, discuss follow-up measures to ensure sustainability and agree on the next steps for further development of the team.

Your benefit

  • Increased motivation and commitment of all member of a team
  • Improved communication and collaboration in everyday work
  • Increased transparency, clarity, productivity and effectiveness