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Leadership Development

In many companies, targeted leadership development is becoming increasingly important. However, people in charge do not always have a concrete idea and reliable concepts of how this process is communicated internally and externally, how it is set in motion, implemented, monitored and evaluated.In many companies, targeted leadership development is becoming increasingly important. However, people in charge do not always have a concrete idea and reliable concepts of how this process is communicated internally and externally, how it is set in motion, implemented, monitored and evaluated.

A selection of situations

  • You do not just want to “throw new/young executives into cold water” so that they learn to lead (swim) but qualify them appropriately for their future management tasks.
  • You want to develop/change a leadership model for your company and bring a uniform understanding into the minds and hearts of your executives.
  • You want to introduce a new management level/role.
  • You want to sensitize and qualify your executives for new leadership topics that have only sporadically been experienced up to now (e. g. management by agreeing on goals, appraisal “from below”, appraisal interviews, “the boss as coach”, the boss as “personnel developer” etc.).

Target group

Managers in companies and organizations

Our offer

  • We define/develop with you the underlying leadership model for the development program.
  • Together with you, we identify future requirements/situations that your executives should be able to handle.
  • We develop a program of modules that build on each other in a meaningful way, in which leadership understanding, requirements and behavior are trained.
  • We support the participants during the entire process (e.g. 5 modules, often lasting 1 to 1.5 years) in learning and implementing the contents of qualification in day-to-day work.
  • Together with you, we evaluate the development program on the basis of the participants’ practical requirements.

Your benefit

  • Uniform leadership culture within the company
  • Higher employee motivation
  • Effective and efficient management relationships and better results through fewer frictional losses between boss and employee