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Management Development

“The fish rots from the head down.” Where this is the case for many day-to-day experiences, it is also true for companies. Over the last few years we have been increasingly focusing on the following question: What is the point of investing time and money in changing a company’s leadership culture when top management does not participate and fails to lead by example. Our answer is little to none.

Over the past few years, we have experienced again and again how top and senior management played a decisive role in many projects. Not only was this the case for those projects that turned out positive and were successful but also for those that were critical and less successful.

In the best cases, the board took the topic of “cultural change” so seriously that it began with a self-experiment. The CEO asked the following question: How can we expect something from others that we ourselves do not exemplify? If we ourselves are not role models, how do we want to win others for better leadership and convince them of the importance of this topic? This is where leadership starts: with critical self-reflection. With the conviction that as a management team you can only live up to your responsibilities if you critically question yourself and your actions.

In most cases, the persons responsible have no concrete idea of when management development makes sense, or how it is put on the track, implemented, monitored and evaluated.

A selection of situations

  • You notice that working relationships with your colleagues in the management team are characterized by a rather controlled and formal interaction instead of by trusting and challenging cooperation.
  • You waste time and energy with self-presentation and minimizing personal risks.
  • You find that your meetings are not worth the time you all invest. For example, you would like to have more space for essential questions that go beyond the day-to-day business.
  • All in all, you would like to see more constructive debate in order to come to better solutions.
  • You avoid tackling controversial issues in your management team, which are critical to your overall success.
  • You do not jointly commit to a decision and then speak with one voice, which creates ambiguity in terms of direction and priority.
  • You avoid demanding performance and behavioral standards from each other and fail to point out if they are not adhered to.
  • You notice that board members do not ask each other for help or give each other constructive feedback.
  • You have the impression that silo-thinking and personal success is more important to some members than achieving common goals and results.

Target group

Management boards or management committees that are responsible for the management of an organization/company

Our offer

  • We clarify the initial situation in your management team with you. This happens for example, in a workshop or in interviews. The question hereby is: How do members perceive the quality of cooperation?
  • We present and mirror the results and identify crucial points in your effectiveness as a management circle.
  • Together with you, we identify the most important requirements and services that you as a management team want to be able to meet and by which you will be measured.
  • We develop a program consisting of several modules in which you as the management team develop step by step and determine visible results for yourself.
  • Together with you, we evaluate the process and your progress regularly and work with you to identify ideas on how to ensure the sustainability of your development.

Your benefit

  • Creating a culture of trust in the management team
  • Learning to use different opinions as a basis for better decisions
  • Ensuring commitment for made decisions and “speaking with one voice” in the sense of a clear public image
  • Assuming responsibility and mutually demanding standards of conduct and performance in the management team
  • Clear result orientation for common goals instead of silo thinking