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Change Management

“The only constant thing in life is change,” said Schopenhauer. The ability to change is a key success factor of a company and its employees. If a company wants to survive on the market, they must cultivate this.

However, change projects rarely generate enthusiasm among those affected. On the contrary, people usually react to change with skepticism, fear or resistance. Participation of those affected is essential if the change process should succeed. Managers who accompany and shape change processes are confronted with the task of creating trust in the change process, considering important general rules for change projects while avoiding typical mistakes.

The most important point seems to be the attitude of the management: Is it really ready to face the challenges of a change process? Is it open to all potential surprises on the way? This means showing an understanding for own difficulties and those of others as well as opening up to learning. During change everyone is breaking new ground. An attitude of questioning and searching for solutions combined with continuous monitoring of the process is the basis – especially in projecting a credible image to the workforce..

Target group

Managers and project managers who accompany and shape change processes

Our offer

  • We support you in formulating clear goals for the change project.
  • Together with you, we create a professional design of the change process, with a coherent architecture of the overall process and sensibly coordinated individual measures.
  • We help you clarify all important roles in the change process and therefore resulting responsibilities of all actors.
  • We conclude a binding contract with you for professional process planning and cooperation between internal (management) and external (consultant) change actors.
  • We take care of and maintain comprehensive, continuous and honest communication from the very beginning.
  • We point out the necessity of a closed, decisive and at the same time sensitive behavior of your management and support you on this way.
  • If necessary, we moderate and evaluate elements in the change process or support you in planning, preparation, implementation and follow-up of your own moderations.
  • We bring difficulties and crises in the change process to the table and clarify with you possible and meaningful approaches.
  • We advise you in the change process according to a holistic and systemic approach in terms of vision, strategy, goals, structures, processes, qualification and resources.
  • We advise you in identifying quick wins and in embedding new structures, new processes and new behaviors.

Your benefit

  • Increasing motivation and participation of those involved in the change process
  • Improving communication within the change process
  • Increasing the overall success of change processes