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Workshop Moderation and Large Group Events

We support your in classic workshop moderation and also accompany large group events. These can be used, for example, to communicate and work with a large number of participants on specific topics such as vision drafts, reorganization concepts, strategies, etc.

Example leadership development

Sometimes it can be useful to introduce a kick-off workshop to a modular leadership development. Before the participants split up into different groups, this common workshop serves to make the overall concept transparent and give an overview of what is coming up. In addition, the participants’ needs with regard to the multiple modules can be collected and recorded. The participants are informed and involved, which in turn has a positive effect on the acceptance of the entire program and prepares the ground for a fruitful cooperation.

The series of seminars ends with a joint closing event. It offers the participants in the large group space to look back on the series of seminars and to secure results in the joint reflection, to collect suggestions and suggestions for future seminars and to exchange experiences with the transfer of what they have learned into practice.

Target group

Groups of 5 to 20 people having diverse levels within the company, who choose a professional external moderation of their event for various reasons, but also large groups of up to 200 people can experience a highly effective event through professional preparation, suitable workshop design and an external moderation team.

Our offer

  • We clarify the initial situation with you, identify your interests as well as those of the other stakeholders involved and define with you the objectives for the workshop or the series of workshops.
  • We develop a workshop design consisting of elements that build upon each other in a meaningful way and take overall goals into account.
  • We select the most suitable methods from our wide range of services together with you. Often, building blocks in an unfamiliar setting are well suited to facilitate learning,
  • We carry out the event for you. Depending on the requirements, we act as moderators, method specialists, process supervisors, conflict clarifiers, time managers and make our best contribution to the overall success of the workshop.
  • We will evaluate the workshop results with you, discuss further measures to ensure sustainability and agree on the next steps.

Your benefit

  • Achieving respective workshop goals on the basis of the joint needs analysis of the assignment and definition of goals
  • High commitment of the workshop participants for implementing workshop results
  • Creating and conveying the common experience by working together on problems, conflicts or other challenges is sometimes strenuous, but almost always worthwhile by creating joy through reaching common success.