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Supporting Change- and Transformational Processes

Nowadays we are no longer just have to deal with „simple“ changes. Today, complex transformation processes are finding their way into our lives, both professionally and privately. Just think about how you did your job five or even ten years ago. How did you „meet“ your colleagues? How were you reachable and at what speed did you respond to inquiries? Or in your mind, revisit the production of a company five or even ten years ago. The differences are huge!

Today we all live in a huge digital transformation. This is not new to anyone. Restructuring or short-term strategic changes are on the daily agenda. Well-established companies face many new challenges in these fast-moving and complex times: Where individual change intiatives were implemented successively in the past, they nowadays often run in parallel – sometimes competing. Very few people today know what their current work situation will look like in six month’s time for example.

To constantly face these changes and transformations with curiosity and interest is not only a matter of intelligence but especially depends of your inner attitude. A management that openly faces these challenges, sets a good example and wants to learn more, can then also better communicate changes in a credible manner and actually then put them on track.

In this Herculean task we support your company, your management, your executives and your employees with holistic support for change and transformation processes. Prepare yourself for the future and develop your transformation ability and thus the potential of your company together with us.

Target group

The entire organization, the divisions or individuals affected by the change. In particular, senior and middle managers who shape and accompany the change processes.

Our offer

  • We analyze with you the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and risks of the company in order to be continuously be successful in the future.
  • We check the awareness and readiness for change in the organization.
  • Together with you, we develop your change vision and the corresponding change strategy.
  • We work with you to design the rough architecture for the change process in line with your corporate culture.
  • We accompany your change processes with our change and communication expertise. For example, we prepare your managers for how they communicate changes in the team, are sparring partners for your change project managers and internal change agents.
  • We support regular pulse checks in the company to identify current topics or challenges in the company with regard to change.
  • We address issues that strike us, bring difficulties and crises in the change process to the table and clarify possible and meaningful procedures with you.
  • We moderate large group events integrating and reaching a large number of people. This way we can support in raising awareness of benefits and potential obstacles.

Your benefit

  • Change architecture that is coordinated with the readiness of the organization as well as the severity of the change
  • Steered communication and sustainable implementation that save time, energy and overall costs
  • Comprehensive support: From the initial idea to sustainable anchoring